
October 01, 2012

Finding My Art...

"Embraced by the Moon"                                    © Andrea Hathaway 2012

It's been a long time since I actually painted, or did anything that could be considered art. Sure, I made a few stained glass pieces. Which, I suppose you could call art. But, truly spending time in the process, feeling out what I wanted to say... Painting... Drawing... Creating... Hasn't happened. Not since I started graduate school, four years ago. Not since I graduated from graduate school, two years ago. It has weighed heavily on my heart, this period of artistic nonproductivity. It made me jealous as I read the many artist's blogs I follow. It made my heartache when suddenly Pinterest became the social network—pushing amazing art across my screen. 

Then, through the help of a dear friend and mentor, I was able to proudly proclaim my internal artist. I embraced the artist inside and accepted my responsibility to create art. During our conversation, my friend asked me: "If you were to make a piece of art right this minute what would you do and how would you do it." I immediately thought of a watercolored night sky, the moon and trees. This is the piece that came from my conversation with my friend. This is the first piece in my journey to reclaim the artist that I am.


  1. Hi Andrea, it is all looking good here, you have done a great job.
    I love your painting, such a delicate touch, I'm looking forward to seeing many more from you :)
    from another flyer
    Judith :)

    1. Thank you so much, Judith, for stopping by and giving me such lovely feedback.

  2. Andrea, this is great. I love the look of your blog and your painting gives me a flowy, relaxing feel! :)

    1. Thank you, thinkwritecreate, your feedback means the world to me as I start this blogging journey.

  3. This looks fabulous Andrea! Great job :)

    1. Thanks, Shelly, I appreciate your feedback.

  4. Love it! And I'm excited for you to continue on your journey!
